Extreme Discipline Teacher Misconduct or Not?
Chantel Vison
Arizona State University

Wilson High School is a public school in Utah. The student body of approximately 2,500 ,are predominantly white. The student body population is also a mirror representation of the faculty, staff and community in which is lays. A great majority of the surrounding community is of the Mormon faith. A number of the minority students who attend the school transferred into the district and are involved either with the State Championship Football Team, or the Varsity Boys Basketball Team.

There is an African American female teacher, Ms. Moore who was assigned to Wilson High School to complete the student teaching requirement of her teacher certification program. Her supervising teacher "Coach Jones," was also the head football coach and Athletic Director. He taught three physical education classes. After the first four days of taking over his classes she never saw him in the classroom again. He would always go to his office and watch game tape or prepare for football practices or games. However, when it was time for her advisor to observe her or meet with him for updates, he gave wonderful reports of the work that she was doing. Even though he had not seen her teach all semester.

The district did not pay the assistants coaches, but she decided to volunteer her time to the Varsity Volleyball Team. The head coach quickly recognized her knowledge of the game, and the experience that she brought. She had a better understanding of the game and usually ended up running most all the practices and made most of the major decisions. The team was on its way to its first entrance into the state championships. This accomplishment brought media attention as well as money because the first round of the state tournament would be held there. The girls on the volleyball team and Ms. Moore developed a great rapport and communicated wonderfully.

With these girls image was a big deal. They had to wear tightly fitting spandex as their uniform, so they would often wear a "G-String or Thong. One young lady felt comfortable with that so she did not wear them. Unknown to the coaching staff several of the young ladies on the team were teasing her about her "panty line. This made her uncomfortable and so she came to Ms. Moore. She told her it was her choice.

One practice, before the state tournament, one of the varsity players got injured so Ms. Moore stepped into some drills. Unknowing hat she would be participating in practice, she did not have on the appropriate undergarments to do physical activity. As the exercising went on, her underwear began to, "creep." By the end of one particular activity she had a self made "wedgie. Her "panties were in a bunch, so to speak. It was very obvious. A kid made the remark, "now you have on a thong."Ms. Moore lifted her shirt a bit to take a look. It (the wedgie) was so bad that some of her undergarments were sticking out of her shorts. The kids and coaches busted out in laughing hysterics. The kids took a quick water break, she ran and fixed herself, they went on with practice from there.

The next day, her supervising teacher, also the Athletic Director called her into his office, claiming that a parent complained that she had shown the girls on the volleyball team her "bare bottom." She wanted her removed from the school. This was sexual harassment. She though somehow there may have been a miscommunication to the parent. Ms. Moore spoke with the principal, he seemed as if he believed the accusation, he said " that is inappropriate teacher behavior, we have a lot of sensitive members of this community with strong beliefs." The day of the State Championships, the called her into the office and told her she was dismissed from her student teaching responsibilities, as well as her coaching duties. However, since there was a big game that night, she could coach that game. After they won the game, Ms. Moore told that team that she would not be with them for the remainder of the tournament. She gave a short version of why she was being released for sexual teacher misconduct.

They left the locker room to meet their parents with tears in their eyes. Every single parent of the kids on the varsity team had the Principal and the Athletic Director cornered in a small section of the gym. Apparently ever single parent of the girls on the team was in attendance. As the "discussion" went on all the parents said that they had not made such a phone call and had not heard any such thing from their children. One parent began to circulate a piece of paper around that said, " I testify that neither I nor my child made any accusations that the coach showed her "bare behind" during any encounter with my child." All the parents signed. One parent then stood up and said, "her child would not compete in the rest of the state championships unless the coach could be on the bench with the team." Other parents began to stand and say the same thing.

Nearly an hour later the Principal and AD were in her office asking her to sit on the bench for the rest of the tournament, but she could not continue her student teaching. The next day at school all the members of the girls volleyball team and some fans who liked Ms. Moore came to school in swim suits. This is against dress code policy. They student will have to be suspended and can not participate in the state tournament. Ms. Moore is now deciding wither to take legal actions against the district.

  1. Should she have been dismissed from the team only, from both or not at all.
  2. Should she go quietly, with no formal paper-work filled against her?

The purpose of this draft case is to prompt reflection and dialogue about the role of diversity in educational administration. This case is for discussion purposes only. Please direct requests for permission to reproduce this draft to Dr. Josué González.

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