TWC 494/598: Information Architecture
Fall 2004

Graduate Assignment

Date Due: See below for details.

Assignment: In addition to building the information architecture for your own website, you will also do a comprehensive analysis of a public website. Your evaluation will include evaluating the site's organizational scheme and structure, the labelling system, metadata and indexing, and its adherance to standards. In addition, your analysis will include a rhetorical analysis of the site's purpose and audience, and a usability review.


Your analysis will be completed in 4 sections, with each due at a time corresponding to the relevant course topic. Each section of your evaluation should be 2-3 pages long and accompanied by diagrams, checklists, or other tools used to evaluate the site. You may select a site to analyze; however, it must be approved by me by Week 5. Some suggested sites for review are:


Sections of the report will include:

Website selection (due Sunday, September 26)
Part 1: Analysis of the site's organization scheme, structure, and classification system (due Sunday, October 24)
Part 2: Analysis of the site's metadata and indexing scheme (due Sunday, November 7)
Part 3: Evaluation of the site's compliance with standards (due Sunday, November 28)
Part 4: Completed review including a rhetorical analysis of the site. Include in your analysis a comparison to your own site. Attach revisions to Parts 1-3, if necessary (due Tuesday, December 7) (be sure to include all 4 parts when submitting your completed review).

Plagiarism in this, as in all, assignments will be punished according to the guidelines set forth in the Student Academic Integrity Policy.

Part 1: 10 points
Part 2: 10 points
Part 3: 10 points
Part 4: 20 points

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Last modified: 19 August 2004

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