TWC 494/598: Information Architecture
Fall 2004

Extra Credit Assignment:
The Semantic Web

Date Due: December 6, 2004

Assignment: Read the following two articles (email me for copies of the last two):

Swartz, Aaron (2002) The semantic web (for web developers). Available:

Berners-Lee, T.; Hendler, J.; and Lassila, O. (2001) The semantic web. Scientific American 284(5):34-44.

Frauenfelder, M. (2004) Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Technology Review 107(8):40-45.

The first article describes the semantic web. The second is an article with Tim Berners-Lee 3 years later. As you are reading, keep in mind that the semantic web is in development. There is alot of jargon and new terminology so the topic may seem difficult to understand and abstract; particularly if you have never worked with HTML code and tags. If the technology is difficult to understand, focus on the examples in the 2 articles that describe what the semantic web may do.

Write an essay describing your understanding of the semantic web and what it will (or what it proposes) to do. Based on what you know about the web (as a developer and/or user), what you've learned this semester, and the articles analyze whether you think the semantic web will be effective. Be critical: is the semantic web desirable, necessary? Why/why not?

Format: 3-5 page essay

Grading: 10 points

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Last modified: 4 November 2004

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