TWC 494/598: Information Architecture
Fall 2004

Assignment Five:
Implementing the Website

Date Due: December 6

Assignment: This assignment is the final culmination of your work for the semester in which you implement your organization system, labeling system, and metadata in a complete website. Make revisions as necessary from the previous assignments.

Format: Website properly encoded in HTML. You may use style sheets and scripting; however, keep in mind that your grade for this assignment will be on the information architecture of the site, not its visual appearance. Submit the URL for your site. Email to me copies of the previous three assignments and any other accompanying documentation you may wish to include.

Grading: Assignments must be completed and handed in on the date it is due. Late assignments will not be accepted unless arrangements have been made with me in advance.

This assignment is worth 30 points and will be based on the effective implementation of the three previous assignments. Please note that this is not a visual design class. Your grading will be based soley on the information architecture of the site and its effectiveness in assisting the user to find and use its information and the administrator in managing the content.

Implementation of organization: 5 points
Implementation of labeling: 5 points
Implementation of metadata: 5 points
Effectiveness of the organization and labeling for navigating and using the site: 15 points

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Last modified: 28 July 2004

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