TWC 494/598: Information Architecture
Fall 2004

Assignment Three:
Label Information

Date Due: Sunday, October 31

Assignment: For this assignment you will draft a labeling system for your website. Include the labels, a map outlining how the labels will relate to each other (this should follow your organizational system) and whether they are contextual links, heading, navigation choices or index terms. Include a one-page justification for your choice of labelling system: how and why will it be effective in allowing users to find information?

Format: Your labelling system must be presented in the same format as your organization system by including labels for each item and expanding upon the organization system if necessary. Include any revisions necessary to your organizational system from Assignment One. Include a one-page essay justifying your choice of labelling system. DO NOT SUBMIT AN HTML DOCUMENT.

Grading: Assignments must be completed and submitted via the Digital Drop Box. Late assignments will not be accepted unless arrangements have been made with me in advance.

This assignment is worth 10 points based on the following scale:

Labels: 2 points
Contextual map: 5 points
Justificaiton: 3 points

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Last modified: 27 July 2004

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