TWC447/547 Business Reports
Summer 2005

Problem Report Proposal
Due: July 10 (10 points)

In this assignment, you will identify a problem for your final report (due July 1). As CEO, your job is to identify and solve problems. The problem you propose for this assignment may be a problem that already exists or one that you anticipate the company will undergo in the near future.

Before writing this report, you must submit your company selection to me for approval. Reports submitted without prior company approval will not be accepted.

Read chapter 13 in Business and Administrative Communication, especially the sections on defining report problems and writing proposals.

Also read the Report Assignment so that you know what will be expected once your proposal is accepted.

Identify a topic

To identify a topic, you will need to know about your company. Reading a few newspaper, magazine articles, or annual reports may help you analyze the company's situation and the problems it faces. Use the resources listed in the Research section of Blackboard to help.

If you are having trouble identifying a topic, consider one of the following perspectives as a springboard to coming up with one:


Your proposal must be addressed to the Chair of the company's Board of Directors. Use memo format. There are examples of memo formatting in the appendix of the text.

The purpose of your memo is to identify for the Board a problem that you believe must be solved. In the proposal you should identify the problem, request permission to investigate a solution. Your solution will be delivered to them in a report on August 5th. You should not identify a solution in this memo. In your proposal include the following information:


Your proposal will be graded on the following criteria:

Submit your proposal to the Digital Drop Box by Sunday, July 10.

Last modified: 14 June 2005