This one is a bit bizarre

Jessica Voorsanger is an American contemporary artist who resides in London. I really don't know much about her, except she deals in visual images, some of them quite interesting. The image below caught my attention because for some reason known only to herself(!), she decided to have herself photographed with some players from the professional soccer team of my home town in England, Blackpool, the team that I have supported all my life.

To understand how strange this is, you have to understand that Blackpool is an intensely blue collar seaside/holiday resort that never has much sunshine, and has the lowest per capita income and shortest life expectancy of any town or city in the UK! i.e. the last place you would ever expect to be associated with any form of modern art

Blackpool F.C. & Me
Soccer uniform and unique color photograph
Soccer uniform, 43 x 39 inches
Photograph, 36 x 56 inches

image "stolen" from