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a message from leadership

Last year we furthered our Center’s mission to “build the capacity of the social sector by enhancing the effectiveness of those who lead, manage and support nonproft organizations.” We realized our mission by operating high-impact programs and organizing sought after convenings, thus advancing our reputation as the knowledge and tools leader for students, practitioners, board members, donors and other stakeholders wishing to advance nonprofts in advancing the quality of life in communities. Highlights from 2012 include: • Supported ASU’s School of Community Resources and Development by strengthening our academic programs, including launching a new on-line certifcate in social entrepreneurship, to assure that students graduate with the necessary knowledge and tools to become effective leaders in the nonproft sector. • Revised the Certifcate in Nonproft Management and developed several new content areas through our Nonproft Management Institute to meet the needs of practitioners for continuing and professional development education.

• Published several research reports which assisted our stakeholders in understanding the scope of Arizona’s nonproft and philanthropic sector and to help nonproft executives and board members effectively hire and compensate their employees.

• Developed more than 100 leaders through our leadership programs: Public Allies Arizona, Generation Next Nonproft Leadership Academy and Nonproft Leadership Alliance,

• ProvidedBoardGovernance trainings andother capacity buildingsupport initiatives in response tocommunity needs; responded to more than 250 inquiries for technical assistance on a wide variety of topics, continuing our leadership role as the “go to” source for knowledge and tools by practitioners, volunteers and philanthropists wishing to assure high performance nonprofts.

• Served the community through more than 75,000 hours of impact-oriented service projects carried out by our students, interns, and Public Allies...and much, much more.

Our faculty, staff and volunteer leaders are moving our center forward on all fronts to meet the needs of those who serve and support the nonproft sector. As we look to the future we are optimistic about our continued success thanks to those who join us as advocates and donors. We look to the future as an enterprise poised for even greater levels of achievement and impact. We invite you to join us in this effort.

Robert F. Ashcraft, Ph.D.

Executive Director, ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonproft Innovation Associate Professor, ASU School of Community Resources & Development

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