We have set 1 July, 2004, as the deadline for submitting registration forms and for receiving abstracts for talks and posters.  After this date, abstracts that are submitted for talks will be scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis, depending on available time slots, or they will be requested to change to a poster presentation.  As noted on the forms, please email your abstract submission form to Bob Johnson at atraj@imap1.asu.edu, and mail your registration form and payment to:


Bob Johnson

School of Life Sciences

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ 85287-4501


Note that this meeting has two different registration fees depending on your status, one for students (including post-docs) ($180) and one for non-students ($250).  Camping is allowed either at the station or in the adjacent Tonto National Forest; campers will receive a $20 discount from the registration fee.  This registration fee covers all expenses related to the meeting, including transportation to and from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, lodging, meals, etc. 


Please respond to all questions on the registration form so that we can plan for transportation needs and types of meals to be provided.  We plan to post abstracts on the meeting web site by 1 August, and a program schedule will be posted shortly thereafter.