Pogonomyrmex cunicularius Mayr 1887


Pogonomyrmex cunicularius Mayr, 1887: 613 (worker, male). Syntypes examined: 2 workers [NMW], 3 workers [MSNG], URUGUAY, no loc., 1 male [NMW], URUGUAY, Montevideo: Montevideo; 2 workers [NMW], ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires (Prof. Berg leg.). See also Gallardo, 1932: 120, fig. 13; Johnson, 2010: 169, fig. 2 (NMW worker from URUGUAY here designated LECTOTYPE).


Pogonomyrmex cunicularis var. brevispinus Santschi, 1931: 275 (worker, ergatoid queen). Syntypes examined: 1 worker, 1 ergatoid queen [MACN], ARGENTINA, Entre Ríos: Estación Sosa (Mac Donagh leg.). Kusnezov, 1951: 251 (synonomy under cunicularius; here confirmed). See also Gallardo, 1932: 123 (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).



      Diagnosis.  Within the P. cunicularius-group, the combination of: (1) in lateral view, node of petiole broadly rounded, (2) inferior propodeal spines rounded, (3) superior propodeal spines moderately long, shorter than distance between bases, and (4) first gastral tergum smooth, strongly shining uniquely characterize this species.

      Measurements – lectotype (n = 16). HL 2.38 (1.85-2.47); HW 2.07 (1.52-2.10); MOD 0.38 (0.31-0.42); OMD 0.62 (0.45-0.69); SL 1.55 (1.44-1.92); PNW 1.44 (1.04-1.47); HFL 2.57 (2.09-2.68); ML 2.83 (2.05-2.87); PW 0.50 (0.40-0.54); PPW 0.72 (0.55-0.76).  Indices: SI 74.88 (79.40-100.00); CI 86.97 (81.01-88.21); OI 18.36 (17.79-21.16); HFI 124.15 (119.23-139.38).

      Description.  Head elongate (CI = 81.01-88.21), widest immediately posterior to mandibles, narrowing posterior to eyes and forming a broadly rounded vertex; posterior margin flat to weakly convex in full-face view.  Dorsum of head with weak to moderately strong longitudinal, wavy to irregular rugae or weakly rugoreticulate, often weaker to indistinct near posterior margin; in full-face view median rugae diverging only slightly towards posterior corners of head.  Vertex weakly rugose to weakly to moderately granulate, dull to weakly shining.  Cephalic interrugal spaces weakly to moderately granulate, weakly shining.  Anterior margin of clypeus flat to slightly convex; dorsal surface with more than several subparallel longitudinal or oblique rugae.  Mandibles with six teeth; mandibular dorsum coarsely striate.  Eyes small, MOD ranging from 0.15–0.18x HL.  Eyes in profile, situated anterior to middle of head, OMD = 1.36-1.77x MOD; in full-face view, eyes protruding beyond lateral margins of head.  Antennal scapes long (SI = 74.88-100.00), surpassing vertex by less than length of first funicular segment; entire scape with longitudinal striae.  Basal flange of scape well-developed with carinate margin.  Psammophore poorly developed, consisting of short to medium-length hairs scattered across ventral surface of head.

      Promesonotal profile moderately convex, propodeum flat; all mesosomal surfaces with subparallel irregular rugae to weakly rugoreticulate.  In dorsal view, humeral portion of pronotum rounded.  Dorsum of promesonotum and sides of pronotum with transverse, oblique, or longitudinal, irregular rugae to rugoreticulate; mesopleura with irregular rugae that angle posterodorsally.  Propodeal spines moderately long, acuminate, shorter than distance between bases; spines connected by well-defined keel; wavy to irregular transverse rugae on propodeal dorsum traverse ventrally or anteroventrally on sides.  Inferior propodeal spine well-developed, triangular, wider than high, with a broadly rounded to bluntly angulate tip.  Propodeal spiracles narrowly ovate.  Interrugal spaces on mesosoma smooth to weakly granulate, weakly to strongly shining.  Legs long (HFL = 2.09-2.68 mm), weakly to moderately coriarious to granulate, dull to weakly shining.

      Petiolar peduncle about 0.8x length of petiole, anteroventral margin with bluntly angulate to angulate triangular process.  In side view, posterior face of petiole flattened; petiolar node asymmetrical with anterior surface shorter than posterior surface, apex of node broadly rounded.  In dorsal view, petiolar node about 1.5x longer than wide, widest near anterior margin.  Sides and posterior face of petiole with weak to moderately coarse, irregular, transverse rugae, or granulate-punctate.  Dorsum of postpetiole convex in profile; in dorsal view, widest near posterior margin, narrowing to anterior margin, maximum width about equal to length, strongly granulate-punctate, dull to weakly shining.  Dorsum of gaster smooth, strongly shining.

      Erect to semi-erect yellowish pilosity moderately abundant on head, variable in length, longest hairs approaching MOD.  Moderately abundant suberect yellowish pilosity on scape; abundant decumbent hairs on funicular segments.  Legs with moderately abundant subdecumbent to decumbent yellowish setae.  Mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole, and dorsum of gaster with moderately dense erect setae, mostly similar in length, longest hairs not exceeding MOD.  Entire body concolorous tannish-orange to tannish-red.


      Diagnosis.  Ergatoid, with small ocelli on head; otherwise as in worker diagnosis, and as illustrated in Figure x.  This caste is diagnosed by: (1) anterior margin of clypeus flat to slightly convex, apron lacking clypeal teeth, (2) in lateral view, node of petiole rounded, (3) inferior propodeal spines wider than high, apex broadly rounded, and (4) dorsum of first gastral tergum smooth and polished, strongly shining.

      Measurements - (n = 12). HL 2.26-2.66; HW 1.96-2.38; MOD 0.35-0.45; OMD 0.54-0.66; SL 1.53-1.87; PNW 1.23-1.60; HFL 2.27-2.70; ML 2.46-3.20; PW 0.51-0.67; PPW 0.71-0.93.  Indices: SI 74.63-87.24; CI 85.38-90.49; OI 17.07-20.74; HFI 111.34-125.37.


Diagnosis.  This caste is diagnosed by: (1) head elongate (CI < 90.0), (2) legs long, HFI > 150.0, (3) hairs yellowish-brown to brownish, and (4) in lateral view, petiolar node rounded.

      Measurements – (n = 12). HL 1.30-1.77; HW 1.17-1.54; MOD 0.51-0.64; OMD 0.21-0.32; SL 0.38-0.49; HFL 1.98-2.48; ML 2.51-3.25; PW 0.48-0.67; PPW 0.63-0.97.  Indices: SI 24.84-35.66; CI 82.89-92.81; OI 39.61-47.86; HFI 154.69-182.05.

Additional material examined. ARGENTINA: Corrientes: Rt 14 at km 423, 90m, Feb. 27, 2003 (CASC; RAJC); Mercedes, Feb. 1918 (MACN; USNM). Entre Ríos: Pueblo Liebig, 70’, Dec. 17, 2005; Feb. 13, 2010 (CSC; RAJC); Rt 14 at 4.5 km N San Jose/Colón exit, 80’, Dec. 13, 2006 (RAJC); Rt 14 at 5.1 mi N Gualeguychú, 60’, Dec. 17, 2005 (RAJC); Estancia Sosa, no date (MACN; MLPA); Hernandarias, Jun. 7, 1951 (MZUSP); El Palmar, Nov. 24, 2005 (CSC). URUGUAY: Artigas: Pintado Grande, Feb. 22, 1969 (LACM); Grutas de Chiflero, no date (LACM). Colonia: Colonia Suissa (= Nueva Helvecia), Mar. 11, 1969 (LACM). Maldonado: La Sierra, no date (LACM; MCZ; MSNG). Montevideo: Montevideo, no date (MCZ; MLPA; USNM).

Etymology.  The specific epithet, cunicularius, (from Latin cunicul-, plus the Latin suffix –arius, indicates a miner or burrower), apparently refers to the soil nests excavated by this species.  Mayr did not discuss the naming of this species, but Kusnezov (1949) wrote that P. cunicularius is the only Argentinian species of Pogonomyrmex that constructs a crater, even though it is relatively small and flat.


Discussion.  Pogonomyrmex cunicularius is not known to co-occur with any other P. cunicularius-group species, but additional collections may show it to co-occur with both P. pencosensis and P. serpens.  Pogonomyrmex cunicularius can be distinguished from these two species based on the following characters: (1) in profile, the petiolar node is broadly rounded, (2) the inferior propodeal spines are rounded, and (3) the first gastral tergum is smooth and strongly shining.  In P. pencosensis and P. serpens: (1) in profile, the petiolar node is angulate, (2) the inferior propodeal spines have an acute tip, and (3) the first gastral tergum is weakly to moderately coriarious, dull to weakly shining.

Santschi erected P. cunicularius var. brevispinus because the propodeal spines were short (no longer than maximum eye diameter), the petiole was narrower, and postpetiole slightly longer than wide along posterior margin than in the type specimen.  Kusnezov (1951) synonomized P. cunicularius var. brevispinus under P. cunicularius without discussion, and I concur with his synonomy.  The propodeal spines were slightly shorter in the syntype worker of P. cunicularius var. brevispinus that I examined than in most workers, but their length was within the range of variation observed among workers.  The width of the petiole and shape of the postpetiole also were within the range of variation observed among workers.  Finally, the syntype ergatoid queen of P. cunicularius var. brevispinus did not differ noticeably from those of P. cunicularius.


Gallardo, A. (1932) Las hormigas de la República Argentina. Subfamilia Mirmicinas, segunda sección Eumyrmicinae, tribu Myrmicini (F. Smith), género Pogonomyrmex Mayr. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural "Bernardino Rivadavia", 37, 89-170.

Johnson, R.A. (2010) Independent colony founding by ergatoid queens in the ant genus Pogonomyrmex: queen foraging provides an alternative to dependent colony founding. Insectes Sociaux, 57, 169-176.

Kusnezov, N. (1951) El género Pogonomyrmex Mayr (Hym., Formicidae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 11, 227-333.

Mayr, G. (1887) Südamerickanische Formiciden. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wein, 37, 511-632.

Santschi, F. (1931) Contribution a  l'étude des fournis de l'Argentine. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 112, 273-282.