
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY School of Art Studio Core Program, SPRING 2002
ART 115 (3D Design). Section: 91678. Tues/Thurs. 4:40 -- 7:30. Tower A-121
Instructor: COLLINS. Office hours for 3D: T/Th 10:30-12:00 and 1:00 - 1:40 TWRA105B. 965-8311
e-mail: dan.collins@asu.edu Web: http://www.asu.edu/cfa/wwwcourses/art/SOACore

Course Description

This course concentrates on the basics of three-dimensional design with an emphasis on spatial awareness, problem-solving, and the many varieties of sculptural form. Consideration is given to the range of three-dimensional form as found in both contemporary art and design and in different cultural and historical contexts. Using a wide variety of materials and methods--including the computer--you’re encouraged to develop your own design vocabulary and repertoire of practical techniques. Regular slide lectures and critiques are structured informally to encourage dialog and to provide you and your colleagues with an opportunity to translate visual evidence into words. Beyond the concepts and skills essential to good design practice, it is hoped that the course will open a window towards self-expression and awareness.


ART 111 (Drawing I) and ART 112 (2-D Design)


The new artCORE Web site: http://www.asu.edu/cfa/wwwcourses/art/SOACore

Course Requirements

During the whole of the semester, each student will be expected to participate fully in the life of the Design Studio. In addition to the completion of assigned projects on time, this means regular attendance, a sense of studio etiquette, and participation in class discussion and critiques. A three-ring notebook is to be kept of all handouts, sketches, ideas, notes etc. It should be filled with "Biology Paper" (available in the Bookstore) for drawing and notes. Your notebook will be a running record of your involvement in the class.


Completing all of the assigned projects on time with a reasonable degree of craftsmanship and care, and regular attendance is the minimum expectation. I will base your final grade upon the documentation of your process and final products you provide in your notebook. This documentation may take the form of drawings, photographs, computer print-outs, or other media. Top grades will be awarded for a combination of design excellence, conceptual depth, intelligent participation in discussion, and, most importantly, individual improvement. Attendance is mandatory. No excuses short of natural disaster.

Calendar (tentative)

Jan. 15: 2D - 3D

Jan. 17 - 24: Relief

Jan. 29 - Feb. 7: Space

Feb. 12 - 21: Mass

Feb. 26 - Mar. 7: Scale and Context

Mar. 11 - 15: SPRING BREAK

Mar. 19 - April 2: Modules

Apr. 4 - 16: Structures

Apr. 18 - 30: Dynamics

May 7: Final Critique. All projects due. (NO Final Exam).

Obtaining an ASURITE Computer Account at ASU

Getting an ASURITE “userID” is all self-service. There are special terminals set aside just for creating new accounts and adding new services. Go to one of these computer sites, look for the specially marked terminals, sit down, and subscribe! The process takes about 15 minutes and your account will be ready to use in half an hour. If you have problems, the computing site staff will be happy to assist.

Go to the Computing Commons  Rm 105    Mon-Fri   8am-5pm

For this class you are required to have an ASURITE account because the reading is online and some projects and images will be password protected. You can use any type of computer (Mac, PC, UNIX) that has an Internet browser installed (such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer). You can access the ArtCore site from either one of the several computing sites on campus or from your favorite off-campus location.

For more info about ASURITE accounts, go to: http://www.asu.edu/it/fyi/accounts/obtaining.html


Available in the Main Art Building. Sign up in Main Office. Bring your own lock.

Lab Fees

A $10.00 lab fee was assessed at the time of registration. This will be used to purchase class supplies in bulk for most of your projects.