Arizona State University
Faculty-Staff Basketball Association



The ASU Faculty-Staff Basketball Association is open to all Arizona State University faculty/academic professional and staff members who are interested in playing noontime basketball, without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, or sexual orientation.  Membership is not restricted by our constitution, by laws, rituals, “gentlemen’s agreements,” or outside influence so far as it pertains to these categories.  By design, level of play is maintained to allow participation by older players, so students are not permitted.  Individuals may also be denied membership and asked to leave if they exhibit persistent aggressive behavior that is unsafe or injurious to others.  Annual dues are $5, to be maintained in our account by the elected treasurer, and to be used for replenishing supplies.


The Arizona State University Faculty-Staff Basketball Association exists as a body to provide an organized means to facilitate exercise, health, well being, and social camaraderie between faculty/academic professionals and staff members through regular organized noontime basketball games.  The group meets year round, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (except on holidays), beginning precisely at 11:30 a.m. in the PE West Gymnasium.  Members agree to play in a responsible, respectful manner that avoids potential harm and injury to others.  Games are to 12 points, with each basket counting as a single point, and no free throws.  Fouls are called by either the individual being fouled or the one who fouled, at which point play immediately ceases for a throw in from the top of the key.  Alternating "jump ball" possessions are called whenever there is an unresolvable call or dispute.  Time outs are called whenever there is an injury or a player falls down near others.  Teams of five to a side are picked daily using the following order of precedence, with ties resolved by random drawing.

1. Winners of a first game.
2. Fewness of games played (up to three).
3. Waiters over returning players.
4. Returning players over those who have not yet entered the gym at terminus of previous game.

These rules result in an ordering equivalent to the following.

1. Players of a just completed winning first game.
2. Random drawing of waiters who have played zero or one games.
3. Players of a just completed game who have only played one game.
4. Random drawing of waiters who have played two games.
5. Players of a just completed game who have played two games.
6. Random drawing of waiters who have played three or more games.
7. Players of a just completed game who have played three or more games.
8. Players who have not yet entered the gymnasium at the terminus of the previous game.

Play ball!

Approved by Arizona State University - March 1993

of the
Faculty-Staff Basketball Association
of Arizona State University

Article I

The name of this organization is the Faculty-Staff Basketball Association.  It is organized and registered in accordance with the policies and procedures, ACD-810, of Arizona State University (ASU).

Article II

The purpose of the Faculty-Staff Basketball Association is to organize and facilitate opportunities for faculty and staff at ASU to participate in competitive basketball games as a means of providing exercise and promoting wellness.

Article III

Section 1.  Anyone may join the Association who is employed by ASU for at least 50% time as faculty, academic professional, administrative staff, or classified staff, or who is an ASU professor emeritus.  An individual becomes a member of the Association by completing a membership form and submitting it to the President-Elect.  Membership to any eligible person as defined in this Section may not be denied.

Section 2.  The Association does not guarantee that competitive basketball opportunities will be available for all members.  Opportunities are dependent upon the availability of facilities, the participation of sufficient players to permit games, and other constraints and requirements.

Article IV

Section 1.  The officers of the Association shall include a President, a President-Elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2.  The initial election of officers will occur on March 30, 1993, and those duly elected officers shall assume their responsibilities immediately upon election and serve until the second Wednesday, following the first Monday, in May, 1995.

Section 3.  Beginning in 1995, and annually thereafter, the election of the President-Elect and the Secretary-Treasurer shall occur during the normal business meeting on the first Wednesday following the first Monday in May.  The position of President for the coming year shall be filled by the President-Elect of the current year.  Election is by majority vote of those members present and voting in the election.

Section 4.  Beginning with the election of officers in 1995, the term for each officer shall be for one year, commencing on the second Wednesday after the first Monday in May.

Section 5.  A vacancy in the office of President Elect or Secretary-Treasurer shall be filled by a special election.  The President shall declare the vacancy and announce the time of the election, which shall occur at a meeting of the Association as prescribed in Article V, Section 1 of these Bylaws.  Announcement of the election must occur at a meeting of the Association, and the election occurs at the next meeting of the Association.  Election is by majority vote of those members present and voting in the election.  An officer elected at a special election shall complete the normal term for that office.

Section 6.  The President of the Association shall represent the Association as its spokesperson.  S/he shall act in behalf of the Association in the furtherance of the purpose of the Association.  S/he shall conduct the meetings of the Association, except as may otherwise be specified in these Bylaws.  The President shall perform any other duties prescribed by these Bylaws, by the Organizing Principles of the Association's programs,  by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association, or that may be required by the Association.

Section 7.  The President Elect of the Association shall maintain the membership roll of the Association.  S/he shall be responsible for sending any materials or communications to the membership as may be directed in these Bylaws or as otherwise may be required.  S/he shall conduct the annual election of officers as required by Section 3 of this Article of the Bylaws.  S/he shall  assume the responsibilities of the President should the President be unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities.  S/he shall  assume the office of the President should that office become vacant.  The President Elect shall perform any other duties prescribed by these Bylaws, by the Organizing Principles of the Association's programs,  by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association, or that may be required by the Association.

Section 8.  The Secretary-Treasurer of the Association shall be responsible for maintaining any moneys and financial records of the Association.   S/he shall prepare an annual report concerning the Association's finances and present that report at the Association meeting which occurs on the first Wednesday following the first Monday in May.  Any collection or disbursement of funds by the Secretary-Treasurer shall require an enabling resolution passed in accordance with Article VI of these Bylaws.  S/he shall maintain copies of the Bylaws, resolutions, and any other business records of the Association, except as may otherwise be specified in these Bylaws.  S/he shall assume the responsibilities of the President  Elect should the President Elect be unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities.  S/he shall assume the responsibilities of the President  Elect should that office become vacant, until such time that the office has been filled by a special election, as provided by Section 5 of this Article.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform any other duties prescribed by these Bylaws, by the Organizing Principles of the Association's programs,  by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association, or that may be required by the Association.

Article V

Section 1.  Meetings of the Association shall take place on Wednesdays, at 11:30 a.m., in the P.E. West gymnasium, unless otherwise designated by these Bylaws, by the Association President, or by resolution of the Association.

Section 2.  For purposes of a meeting, a quorum shall be constituted by the presence of at least ten Association members, or one half of the Association's membership, whichever is less, and including at least one officer of the Association.  In the absence of any officer, a quorum shall consist of 15 members of the Association or two-thirds of the Association membership, whichever is less.

Section 3.  The ranking officer (with a ranking order of President, President Elect,  and Secretary-Treasurer) shall convene a meeting on any Wednesday, as designated in Section 1 of this Article, at which a quorum is present.  In the absence of any business to conduct, the ranking officer shall adjourn the meeting.

Section 4.  In the absence of an officer but the presence of a quorum as defined in Section 2 of this Article, a meeting shall be convened upon the request of any member present and the assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting to convene.  The voting membership present at the meeting will select one of the members to chair the meeting.

Article VI
Bylaws, Resolutions, and Other Association Business

Section 1.  The organization and operation of the Association is designated in these Bylaws.  The Bylaws may be amended by a resolution approved by two-thirds of the members present and voting at an Association meeting.  Any resolution amending the Bylaws must lay over at least one week from the time of its introduction at an Association meeting to the vote on the resolution at a subsequent Association meeting.

Section 2. The establishment of any programs and the Organizing Principles of those programs shall be by resolution.  Any such resolution must lay over at least one week from the time of its introduction at an Association meeting to the vote on the resolution at a subsequent Association meeting.  Approval by a majority vote of the members present and voting shall be required to pass a resolution which establishes a program or its Organizing Principles.

Section 3.  Any collections of money on behalf of the Association from the members of the Association or participants in the Association's programs require an enabling resolution.  Any such resolution must lay over at least one week from the time of its introduction at an Association meeting to the vote on the resolution at a subsequent Association meeting.  A two-thirds approval of the members present and voting is required to pass any resolution dealing with the collection of money as designated in this Section.

Section 4.  Any expenditure of money on behalf of the Association or collection of money not covered by Section 3 of this Article shall require the approval of a majority of the members present and voting at an Association meeting.  Any resolution relating to the expenditure of money must lay over at least one week from the time of its introduction at an Association meeting to the vote on the resolution at a subsequent Association meeting.

Section 5.  The passage of any other resolutions, motions, or other business not otherwise specified within these Bylaws shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition, 1990, which shall also serve as the parliamentary authority in the conduct of the Association's business and meetings.